Guess what? You can !
And naturally with support from me, a naturopath with over 24 years of experience. 

There are many women that thrive through perimenopause & menopause, symptom free and loving life!  
I know .....because many of them are my clients!
And you can too when you join my support group!

Perimenopause and Menopause Support

$22 AUD

per month

  • Your Support for Perimenopause and Menopause with Kate Driver Naturopath

Buy Now

You can have balanced hormones, loads of energy and be symptom free!

Does any of this sound familiar?  

You're getting new and strange symptoms you haven't had before and you are not sure to do about it  

You feel like you are on an emotional rollercoaster & your family stay away from you 

Energy and a good nights sleep seems to be something of the past  

You don't know where to start even though you have Googled for hours !  

Your blood tests are 'normal' and your Dr. is no help..... but you know something is wrong!
Your weight is creeping up and you haven't changed a thing! 

I hear this all the time from my clients.   

You are not alone!  

Would you like to know a better way?

 Its time to get off the mood rollercoaster,
be energised
lose weight,
& live life to the fullest!

your perimenopause & Menopause Support includes

live sessions with kate 

Weekly live sessions on Zoom. Join  live and learn or ask questions!

How to's & symptom busters

Cheat sheets, guides and solutions to your  ailments and symptoms  so you can feel energised and young again! 

GUest speaker apearnaces

monthly expert guest speakers on a very helpful & relevant subject to help you on your healthy journey!

Personalised health access 

Find  out what is specific for you only to eat,, exercise and much more! Access to the SHAE app. . 

eating for hormones mAsterclass

Your video masterclass on eating for hormones over 40. Learn  the secrets! 

 Seed cycling 

Seeds will nourish your hormones! Learn how to seed cycle with this easy cheat sheet & recipes

I will be updating and adding to the content all the time and listening to your suggestions & feedback !

Hi, I am Kate Driver, a beach loving naturopath who is Passionate about Perimenopause !
I have been consulting as a naturopath since the year 2000, so when it comes to health, I know my stuff.
Not only have I managed and thrived through my own perimenopause & menopause naturally (without HRT or bio-identical hormones), I've helped thousands of clients do the same.  
Despite what others will tell you, you don't have to surrender to  the symptoms and instead you can bust through them naturally. 

Perimenopause and Menopause Support

$22 AUD

per month

  • Your Support for Perimenopause and Menopause with Kate Driver Naturopath

Buy Now


" Kate has a world of knowledge and is very passionate about our happy and healthy hormones. I’m on my journey now, creating a healthier life for myself and feel very much supported by Kate’s positive energy"